20. Juli 2017
Soundbild 2 alpha 0.3
Getting Started
Use in Realtime
When you load a style, Soundbild will automatically connect it to the current audio recording device you selected in windows. You can select a device in settings -> audio. So far i usually select "Stereomix" or "What you hear" in Windows.
In the video settings, you can set the sampling size (default: 1.5 times of the window size).
Use as video renderer
You can render video frames (saved as .bmp) to create a visualization video. This is not a one-click progress, you should have experience with creating videos.
You can activate this feature in the config.txt by setting ShowProject to true. Please be aware, that a 60fps uncompressed full HD video needs 356MB disc space for each second.
It might be possible to use apps like NVidia Shadowplay to get a compressed videofile, too. If someone want to test it, please share your experience.
First copy the style-folder you want to use for your video to the project folder. You can still customize it like a style and add nodes to display credits.
Add an misc->AudioSource item and set the style's audio-node.did_AudioSourceID to this item-ID to connect it.
WaveFile: a 16Bit, 44100 Hz mono wave file.
StartAt: you can delay the start of the wavefile in seconds (float value)
Add an misc->project item and set properties:
VideoLength: in seconds, add time for front/after credits if needed.
VideoFPS: should be the same as bufMain.TargetFPS
SaveFramesTo: in this folder the .bmp files are stored. Choose a Solid State Disc to save time.
Perhaps you want to do a small 10 second video first to get in touch or set a small render size in video->"Project Video Render Size"
In the audio settings you can adjust the current audio level, it is used during video rendering for your wavefile, too.
When you are satisfied you can start rendering in the render window by clicking "all frames". You'll see the estimated size of all .bmp files, too. Check your free disc space before you start rendering.
Use third party tools to finalize video
You can use ffmpeg to create the videofile. Assuming your .bmp files are in h:\_record and you want to create the video file in c:\_projekte\output.mkv this command should do the job:
ffmpeg -f image2 -framerate 60 -i h:\_record\10%05d.bmp -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 16 C:\_projekte\output.mkv
You can use avidemux to combine video and audio.
I do have a small video-audio offset this way. Currently i add an additional 0.5 secs of silence at the beginning of the wavefile; have to investigate this in detail.